3. Product Options
fmOptions, fmOptionsTopEdit, fmOptionsBotEdit, fmOptionsMidEdit - Product Options
This chapter describes how to manage CubeCart Product options and their values of all CubeCart products, other than doing it through some product menu. The following topics are covered:
Product Options
Option Values
Assign Options and Values to Products
Product Options
From options toolbar and context menu, you can perform the following basic operations:
Refresh data forces option list update. It is useful when you're changing connection or have any doubts like is the latest data displayed.
Add new option calls blank Edit Option form, which is used to create a new option.
To edit option you can double click on it or use "Edit option" button. It calls edit option form:
Option Name - Specify it the way you want it to appear at your store frontend.
Option Type - Select Default, Text-box or Text-area type from the drop-down.
You can Delete selected options from your store using corresponding option. Pay attention that you won't be able to undo delete from store option unless you've made Database backup. By deleting an option you'll delete all it's values as well and remove all references. So if some products have let's say Color option, this option will be removed from all products that includes it.
Export product options to Excel/HTML option allows you to save data that you can see in the main grid into Excel or HTML file instantly.
Option Values
Option Values toolbar and context menu allows you to:
Refresh data forces option values list update. It is useful when you're changing connection or have any doubts like is the latest data displayed.
Add new option value calls blank Edit Option Value form, which is used to create a new option value.
To edit option value you can double click on it or use "Edit option" button. It calls edit option form:
Option Name - Select one from the drop-down. If you do not have the one you need here, you should create one in the options section first.
Option Value - Specity it the way you want it to appear at your store frontend.
You can Delete selected option values from your store using corresponding option. Pay attention that you won't be able to undo delete from store option unless you've made database backup. By deleting an option value you'll delete all references. So if some products have let's say Color option value, this option value will be removed from all products that includes it.
Export option values to Excel/HTML option allows you to save data that you can see in the main grid into Excel or HTML file instantly.
Assign Option and Value to Products
This section allows you to assign, edit and delete options and values for a specific product. Assign Option and Value to Products section toolbar and context menu allows you to:
Refresh data forces product list update. It is useful when you're changing connection or have any doubts like is the latest data displayed.
Assign option and value calls blank form, which is used to assign product option and its value to any product. Use drop-downs to select product, option and value. In case you do not see option or value you need, you should use options or values section to add them first.
To edit option and value assigned to any product you can double click on it or use edit button. It calls edit CubeCart product options and values form. You can change product name, option name, option value and price here.
Every option has its own values. You cannot set a value unless you chose an option. Store Manager has some default Options and their Values that you may use.
Prefix - Allows you to sepcify if the option price is added or substracted from the product price. It can be "+" : if this product attribute selected, some extra charge (specified in "Price" field) will be added to basic product price; "-" prefix will subtract the amount specified in "Price" field from the basic product price. If you don't need to make any price changes, simply leave the prefix field blank.
Option Price - Specify the price to be added or substructed from product price.
You can Delete assigned product options and attributes from one or several products simultaneously. Pay attention that you won't be able to undo delete from store option unless you've made database backup.
Export assigned option values to Excel/HTML allows you to save data that you can see below into Excel or HTML file instantly.