3. Currencies
fmCurrencies, fmCurrenciesEdit - Currencies Section and Forms
This section describes how to create, edit or delete CubeCart Currencies and export data to Excel.
In its context menu or toolbar, you can find the following options:
Refresh data forces items list update. It is useful when you're changing connection or have any doubts like is the latest data displayed.
Add new currency calls blank edit currency form, which is used to create a new currency. Please see below for options.
To edit CubeCart currency you can double click on it or use edit currency option. It calls the following form:
Code - Specify the ISO standard 4217 three character code for the currency.
Name - Specify the ISO standard 4217 currency name.
Value - This field allows you to set the exchange rate for currencies. The currency you're planing to use as your default currency should be set to 1.00000.
Symbol Left - This field allows you to enter the symbol to be displayed for the currency and to have it shown to the left of the currency value.
Symbol Right - This field allows you to enter the symbol to be displayed for the currency and to have it shown to the right of the currency value.
Decimal Places - Specify the number of decimal places for the currency.
Click Ok to save this entry and to close the form or click cancel to discard this entry.
You can delete selected currency from your store using corresponding options. Pay attention that you won't be able to undo delete from store option unless you've made Database backup.
Export currency to Excel/HTML option allows you to save data that you can see in the main grid into Excel or HTML file instantly.